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Hi! Your job responsibilities require you to obtain continuing education in a specific area of interest; luckily MPC has developed multiple courses to meet these specific educational requirements for our accounts. Simply register using your supplied access key or speak to your MPC physicist to learn more.
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This course has been approved for MPC employees only.
This is a familiarization training for common MRI concepts and is not intended to meet Level I or Level II […]
This course will cover basic radiation concepts, the production of x-rays and their interactions, x-ray machine parameters, radiation biology, fluoroscopy […]
This training will provide an overview of HIPAA and HITECH privacy principles. NOTE: To view Speaker’s Notes click on the […]
This MPC developed course provides a comprehensive overview of radiation safety concepts relative to Nuclear Medicine staff members who are […]
This MPC developed course provides a comprehensive overview of radiation safety concepts relative to Interventional Radiology staff members who are […]
This training should be completed annually by individuals who participate in the administration of radioactive material requiring a written directive.
All employees involved with the preparation of a hazardous materials package for shipment, [load, unload, or handle hazardous materials (when […]
All personnel who handle radioactive material, or are likely to receive 100 mrem per quarter, and whose duties will require […]
This is a familiarization training for common MRI concepts and is not intended to meet Level I or Level II […]