We perform annual equipment compliance and performance testing of diagnostic radiology equipment required by TJC, HFAP and/or the State Department of Health. Tests are performed with minimal assistance required from technical staff on the following systems:
- Radiographic Systems (S/F, CR and DR)
- Fluoroscopic Systems
- Dental Radiographic Systems
- Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) Devices
- Computed Tomography Systems
- Vascular Imaging Systems
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Systems
We also provide a comprehensive audit of the radiation safety program. The audit results provide sufficient documentation to meet the requirements of licensing and accrediting organizations.
Our services include:
- Monitoring of patient radiation doses from common procedures
- Fetal radiation dose estimate calculations with guidance from CDRH, by an ABR certified diagnostic radiological physicist
- Fluoro skin burn guidance from FDA
- Review of personnel radiation exposures and preparation of the overexposure reports required by the State Department of Health
- Review of incidents involving diagnostic X-ray to with respect to cause and subsequent action taken
- Review of radiation safety procedures for compliance with regulatory requirements
In addition, by special request, we can also provide:
- Testing of automatic exposure control devices for radiographic systems and fluoroscopy spot films
- Design, calculation and inspection of radiation protection shielding
- Assistance in the instruction of hospital personnel as required by state and hospital accreditation agencies
- Attendance at client radiation safety meetings
- Acceptance testing of all radiological equipment