
Medical Physics Consultants, Inc

A Revisit of SUV Values and Dose Calibrator Factors

You may have recently received an email from Cardinal Health regarding the FDG settings on your Capintec dose calibrator.  The gist of the email was to remind customers of a 2009 revision to published calibration factors for F-18 utilizing Capintec dose calibrators.  If you have purchased a new dose calibrator since 2009 from Capintec (models that […]


Are you EQUIPped?

Maybe last year you heard something from your MQSA inspector about EQUIP: Enhancing Quality Using the Inspection Program and quickly tuned out because he or she mentioned that while they were telling you about this requirement now, they would not be holding you to it until 2018.  Well, here we are, 2018!! And we at […]


Michigan Diagnostic Reference Levels for Patient Radiation Exposure, an Explanation

Confused about patient CT dose limits in Michigan?  We hope the information in this post will help clarify the newly established Michigan Diagnostic Reference Level guidelines. Earlier this year, the Michigan Radiation Safety Section updated guidance on patient CT radiation exposure levels.  They have moved from a “Standard of Care” limit guideline to a “Diagnostic […]


Recent Changes in ACR MRI Scan Criteria

Recently, the ACR updated their clinical MRI scan requirements (adding some studies and removing others) as well as simplifying the on-line clinical data forms. The ACR no longer asks for the reconstructed and displayed matrix parameters and now only needs the acquisition matrix (in the frequency and phase directions) and display FoV.  This is the […]


Welcome to our new look!

Welcome, so you have been perusing our newly remodeled website and have landed here. We are so glad you have rediscovered Medical Physics Consulting, Inc.  and we hope you are as excited about our new look as we are!  There are several things we are hoping will come from this blog, One, we hope you […]


NRC wants your comments on Patient Release Program

Dear MPC Client: The NRC has issued a request for comment on proposed revisions to the patient release program. The NRC has directed staff to revise Regulatory Guide 8.39 Release of Patients Administered Radioactive Materials.  Prior to 1997, hospitalization was required for all patients treated with more than 30 mCi of NaI‐131. The dose‐based release […]


MPC’s response to the request for public comment on the potential regulatory changes to the Patient Release Program

The NRC is requesting comment from the general public on its patient release programs, specifically looking for input on whether additional or alternate criteria are needed and whether to clarify the NRC’s current patient release requirements.  The following statement is MPC’s official response to the questions put forth by the NRC in Docket ID NRC-2017-0094 of […]


Radiation Safety Webinar

The American College of Nuclear Medicine (ACNM) is providing a one(1) hour webinar on 01/19/16 on Radiation Safety.
