
Medical Physics Consultants, Inc


Notice:  The MPC Imaging Physics Residency program is currently being reviewed, with the expectation of receiving CAMPEP Accreditation in 2025.  We are not accepting applications at this time.

Medical Physics Consultants, Inc. (MPC) is a full-service medical physics consulting group incorporated in 1978. MPC is based in Ann Arbor, MI, and provides diagnostic medical physics throughout Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Utah/Nevada, & Support in 10 other states. Learn more.

  • Diagnostic imaging physics
  • Nuclear medicine
  • Shielding design and testing

The Diagnostic Imaging Physics Residency is a two year program with MPC out of our Ann Arbor corporate headquarters.  The program is intended to provide quality training in clinical imaging physics. The mission of the program is to prepare the resident for a successful career practicing clinical Imaging Physics by training each resident under the supervision of certified medical physicists in routine clinical duties. The MPC Imaging Physics Residency program is currently be reviewed, with the expectation of receiving CAMPEP Accreditation in 2025.

For more information please contact the Residency Program Director:

Charlene Bremer, MS, DABR
[email protected]

I really enjoyed the Radiation Safety Officer Course and appreciate all of the hospitality that was extended to me by the MPC staff!

Kim Grove CNMT

MPC is a very reliable company and always available to help when needed! Their physicists are extremely knowledgeable, professional, and dependable!

Carissa Wessel Director of Diagnostic Imaging