The program faculty of the MPC Imaging Physics Residency are committed to ensuring quality training for each resident. Each faculty member is regularly available to the residents for questions, instruction, and assistance.
Jim is the chair of the residency steering committee and serves as one of the mentors of the Nuclear Medicine clinical rotation.
Charlene is the Residency Program Director and serves as the Radiography and Fluoroscopy mentor.
Tom serves as one of the mentors for the Mammography clinical rotation.
Diane serves as one of the mentors for the Magnetic Resonance Imaging clinical rotation.
Jim serves as the one of the mentors of the Computed Tomography clinical rotation and assists with Magnetic Resonance Imaging clinical rotation.
Tom Duselis serves as one of the mentors for the Mammography clinical rotation.
Tracy serves as the mentor for the Ultrasound clinical rotation.
Shelli serves as one of the mentors for the Nuclear Medicine Clinical rotation.
Justin serves as one of the mentors for Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging clinical rotations.
Ryan serves as the mentor for Informatics and Information Technology clinical rotations.
James H. Thrall, MD
Dr. Thrall is a Radiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and a Juan M. Taeras Distinguished Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and serves on the MPC residency steering committee.