Tracy has over thirty years of experience as a Medical Physicist. She has been with MPC for 21 years, working exclusively in Nuclear Medicine. Tracy is a regulatory expert and specializes in NRC/State licensing and regulatory audits.
Tracy initiated our gamma camera acceptance-testing program in the early 1980s and is a key part of our ACR/TJC camera testing team. In addition, she was as an Authorized Medical Physicist in a major cancer center for nine years and (using this experience) supports our written directive review and radionuclide therapy support services.
She has a Master of Science degree in Radiological Physics from Wayne State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Nuclear Medicine Technology from Ferris State College. She is a Diplomate of the American Board Radiology in Medical Nuclear Physics and a member of SNMMI, AAPM, ACR, and ABS.
Tracy teaches in our radiology residency diagnostic medical physics programs as well as in our Radiation Safety Officer courses. She is currently working to obtain accreditation of MPC’s diagnostic physics residency program.